It has been a while as I have been busy but if you followed my tweets you haven't missed my calls. Just none were trades long enough or worth enough for me to sit down and create a blog about.
I now have one but this is such a blatantly obvious call the blog is going to be very short and to the point. DraftDay Fantasy Sports, Inc ( NASDAQ : DDAY ) formly $VGGL is a failing company that only hopes of survival seems to be in selling company shares with the help of promoters.
While many company do this on some level this is of concern when it happens so frequently and based on the SEC filings you can see why. #SEC10Q
Short and sweet this is a short if they are a decent pump team we will see this reach $0.70 as mapped out on the following charts do your own due diligence as this will involve some level of risk they did after all pay $30,000 to get pumped after getting a NASDAQ failure to reach minimum letter.
Based on the above I vote this is a SHORT not a squeeze. The hardest part will be finding shares.